I do, however, create goals. One of which is to learn the Romanian language while I'm here in America.
Okay, so I've had that goal for awhile. But I've finally found a language program that teaches Romanian (everyone just wants to learn French or Italian!)... and it's free! Quick plug - Before You Know It (Byki) is great for learning phrases. I'll have to work on the grammar with something else... or via Yahoo messenger with my Romanian friends. :)
For awhile I struggled with the motivation to learn - or teach myself. Which I am ashamed to admit. I feel like I miss out on so much whenever I'm there and all the children are speaking in a language I don't understand. I love the language so much I could listen to it all day long and not care whether or not I understood... but I so long to communicate with the children, and in their language!
So all that to say, I have started this week, and hopefully the program will take me far... far enough not to have to pay (because WHY pay when you can get it for free??)
Wish me luck!!