"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." -Proverbs 31:8-9

Thursday, August 16, 2012


  Some find love in a feeling. Some find love in a person. Some find love in an act. What is love, exactly? Is it relative, or can it be defined?

   "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."  -1 John 4:9-11

  Love in its purest form: that God would send His only Son to be punished for the sins of the world. So that for everyone who believes in Jesus, is no longer condemned, but is adopted into the family of God, receives the Holy Spirit, partakes in His blessings, and will ultimately spend eternity with Him in paradise.

  So then, what do we do with this love? Do we accept this free gift of grace, only to live as we please? John continues:

  "This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome." (1 John 5:3)

  God's commands are a joy to keep! It is an honor to serve Him. It is a blessing to join in the work that God is doing. We don't "have" to keep his commands: WE GET TO! Because of the freedom that Christ gives us through the cross, we are free and able to love, to serve, to obey, to sacrifice our flesh, all for the glory of God!

  The people of Israel constantly rebelled against God. Pharaoh from Exodus hardened his heart against God. King David committed adultery and murder. The apostle Paul persecuted Christians. The prophet Jonah refused to obey God and proclaim His word to a sinful city. Moses feared man more than God. Abraham distrusted God's plan and slept with a maidservant to carry out his family line, despite God's promise. 

  What was God's response towards all of these people? Patience. Graciousness. In all of these, He shows His great love. How dare we say that God is not a loving God? He pursues us even in our rebellion and hatred of Him, and gives us multiple opportunities to turn to Him and obey. Jesus hung on the cross, and amidst the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, spoke forgiveness over his enemies! Those who were killing him, jeering at him, mocking him. He had such love for them, that he suffered greatly so that they would have a chance to live, and not be in eternal separation from God.

  "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were sinners, Christ died for us..."  -Romans 5:8

  Paul goes on to say that we were enemies of God, yet through Jesus' death, He reconciled us to Himself, giving us the chance for eternal life!

  Throughout the Psalms, God continually shows compassion, love, and justice for those who are suffering, helpless, and in desperate need. Our hearts should break for those in suffering, darkness, and captivity. It should be our ultimate goal to point them to Jesus, whether in word or deed. If we really understood the gospel, and fully grasped what God has done for us, we would be compelled to demonstrate this love, and share the good news: that Jesus paid for our sin, that we have direct access to God  

  Who are we to say "this is love," if it does not reflect the character of God? God being the epitome of love, we define love by everything that God is: just, holy, compassionate, kind, forgiving. God also corrects, rebukes, and disciplines. He does everything out of LOVE. He IS love.

love like Jesus. love fearlessly. love relentlessly. love unconditionally. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Prayer For Our Nation

  Daniel 9:1-19 is Daniel's prayer for his people. This should be our prayer for our nation. Daniel says "we," not "they." He takes responsibility for the people. He acknowledges sin and asks God for mercy. My heart was stirred to make this prayer my own.

  Jesus, we as a nation have rebelled against you! We have created laws that allow babies to be murdered, for prayer, Bibles, and Bible studies to be taken out of schools, for gay marriage to be celebrated. We have perpetuated the exploitation and the abuse of women and children. We have strayed far from the heart of our founding fathers. You are not a concern or a second thought in our minds, but we are wise in our own eyes. We arrogantly think we should be served like gods, and we build our life around comfort. We are foolish in our wisdom. We strive for wealth and fame so that we can be recognized and acknowledged for our own benefit. We have twisted the truth to fit our own selfish wants. We do not humbly lower ourselves for your glory, but we desire for glory and recognition. We are thirsty for our own selfish desires, but we have no desire for Your word. We mock those who strive for holiness and integrity. Father, forgive us! Let the gospel be more compelling than sin!

  Daniel says in verse 18, "We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy." Daniel then asks the Lord to listen, forgive, hear, and act. In verse 23, we see that Gd hears and acts even before we finish praying!

  Let your heart break for the sin of our nation. Rejoice in the goodness of God, and the finished work of the cross. Be urgent to spread the good news of the gospel!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


  I've been working with women involved in prostitution for over a year now. We go out into the streets where the girls are working and offer them gift bags filled with makeup and hygienic items. Some of them know us. Some of them stay and talk to us for awhile. Some of them we meet with outside of the streets. Some of them have left "the life." Some of them go back. Some of them we have prayed with. Some of them we have hugged. Some of them we have fed. Some of them we have given rides home to. Some of them have come to church with us. Some of them have regularly attended community group with us. Some of them we haven't heard from in months.

  With every relationship I have built, every girl I have spoken with, prayed for, texted with, met with, I feel absolutely beyond privileged to be given a chance to show God's love in a real and tangible way. To be Jesus' hands and feet is both humbling and joyous. Even speaking with one of the girls today, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the stunning fact that she chose to be in relationship with me. She didn't have to give me her phone number. She didn't have to agree to meet with me. She doesn't have to stop and talk to me while she's working. I have the incredible opportunity to love this girl, with no hidden agendas, ulterior motives, or other intentions than show her how much she is loved, valued, and worth. I know that these girls are no different from me. I have nothing else to offer them but the truth that Jesus loves them, died for them, invites them, and offers them a new life. And I will continue to strive to do that well for as long as I possibly can.