When I went to Romania, one of the things I experienced was an overwhelming sense of discouragement. I saw so much need there. I am only one person. How could I make a difference?? There was one orphanage in particular - the Emmaus Home - that had the most mentally and physically disabled children than any of the others we visited. There were also a lot of younger (4-7 year old) children there. I am more drawn to the younger children that age anway. But the need that I saw was so great, I was just so overwhelmed. It was a little more than I could handle...
...but God doesn't give us more than we can handle, right?
So I basically left knowing (*thinking) I would definitely not like to go back to that one, thank you. It's just too hard. There is too much need. Emotionally, I can't handle it.
Funny how God works.
The very orphanage I wanted to stay away from... the last one I would go back to, is the same one I am being sent to. Interesting. How come it's never the easy path?? The one that's lit very well, with no bends or curves so that you can see 5 miles down what the journey is going to look like?? WHY can't it be that one again?? Ohhhh right, because God wants us to trust Him, and the path that looks like the right one (or just the one we'd rather take) might be good and all, but not the best. After all, everything we do should ultimately be for God's glory.
Lately, I've kind of felt like Moses did when God asked him to speak to Pharaoh, and Moses' reply was "take my brother Aaron, he is a better speaker than I am." But Moses missed the point. God wanted to show Himself powerful through a weak human. So back to me... I have no idea why God would send me somewhere that would've been my very last choice. All I know is that for whatever the purpose is, He wants to prove Himself strong in my shortcomings, and whatever work He wants to do in me is only so that His glory may be revealed.
All this to say, from where I stand right now, I have no idea if I will even make it to Romania this year. But I serve a God who does. I also serve a God whose timing is perfect.
...but God doesn't give us more than we can handle, right?
So I basically left knowing (*thinking) I would definitely not like to go back to that one, thank you. It's just too hard. There is too much need. Emotionally, I can't handle it.
Funny how God works.
The very orphanage I wanted to stay away from... the last one I would go back to, is the same one I am being sent to. Interesting. How come it's never the easy path?? The one that's lit very well, with no bends or curves so that you can see 5 miles down what the journey is going to look like?? WHY can't it be that one again?? Ohhhh right, because God wants us to trust Him, and the path that looks like the right one (or just the one we'd rather take) might be good and all, but not the best. After all, everything we do should ultimately be for God's glory.
Lately, I've kind of felt like Moses did when God asked him to speak to Pharaoh, and Moses' reply was "take my brother Aaron, he is a better speaker than I am." But Moses missed the point. God wanted to show Himself powerful through a weak human. So back to me... I have no idea why God would send me somewhere that would've been my very last choice. All I know is that for whatever the purpose is, He wants to prove Himself strong in my shortcomings, and whatever work He wants to do in me is only so that His glory may be revealed.
All this to say, from where I stand right now, I have no idea if I will even make it to Romania this year. But I serve a God who does. I also serve a God whose timing is perfect.
Be encouraged girl. Know that there was a time in Moses life when he had to go and wrestle with God before he was released into 'ministry'. Forty years of wrestling, laying roots, and even building a family in a place outside of Egypt and the Promise Land was necessary. It positioned his heart and body to be a yielded vessel for God to partner with. Consider that beyond what you feel called to do, the Lord is preparing you for an encounter with a burning bush.