"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." -Proverbs 31:8-9

Friday, November 19, 2010

Human Trafficking & Romania

Romania is one of the poorest countries in eastern Europe, making it fertile ground for human traffickers. Men, women, and children alike are trafficked in Romania for labor & sex trade. According to Romanian police statistics, about 3,000 children disappear each year... just disappear.

All of this information came to me unexpectedly (how did I not think to look up "safe houses in Romania" on Google??) I didn't think there were any, until I stumbled upon a random website via an organization I follow on Twitter. (By the way, I used to think Twitter was utterly ridiculous, and just another way for us to idolize celebrities and boost our American egos by seeing how many people we can get to "follow" our mindless, absurd "tweets".... and I still pretty much think that. But praise God for the networking possibilities of the Internet! A lot of the organizations I do "follow" on Twitter are a big source of where I get my information regarding human trafficking. Now if only I could get 1+ million followers..... JK!)

All this to say, a few days ago, I had no idea if there were any efforts made to prevent human trafficking in Romania via the government, or locals. And then I discover there are laws against trafficking, and there are safe houses! I suppose I'm a few steps behind on the informative scale, but I just see this as another stepping stone towards the amazing plan God has for my life.

And all I can say is, who am I?

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